You can not use this file with stadium in another language or with red,blu and yellow that are not in Italian. The registered teams are the ones on my Pokémon Blu save with perfect stats and ideal moves made with PkHex, You can easily delete them ad use your own teams. You can even go and do the Prime Cup MasterBall tournament in Round 2 to get surf on your Pikachu. I didn't touch the minigames and I didn't fight Mewtwo in round 2. I did play on Project64 with an emulated GameBoy cartridge to use some teams that made this experience faster and doable.

I did put in the first 2 boxes of the N64 cartridge all the Pokémons that I got while battling the Pokémon League. Professor Oak has the Psyduck with amnesia so get that first before doing anything else. I noticed that online is quite hard to find Italian save files for this game so I did play through the game completing all most everything. This is my first post here, I wanted to share my Pokémon stadium save. Sinnoh Regional Dex on the storage (No competitive pokémon) Johto Regional Dex on the storage (No competitive pokémon) Note: Not possible to shiny hunt the outfits in this file, considering I already defeated the Colosseum Leaders. Living Dex storage (No competitive pokémon, except 1 competitive team and a Scyther+Medite for Little Battle) The game is almost "100% complete", I didn't buy all the unlocked clothing and didn't bother to achieve Rank 8 on all the colosseums, except the ones that mattered to unlock everything 60 Friend Passes added, many of them with unobitainable Pass Designs and Dawn & Lucas as Friends Save file with all the Pass Designs and Rentals unlocked Legit save file with 3 languages, no save editing involved EXCEPT for the fact that I painstakingly saved 60 friend passes on the wiimotes to unlock all the Pass Designs, these friend passes are a bunch of saves I downloaded from the internet and many clear saves I edited with PKHex, so the save was not altered but some cut content can be seen,